martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

School Idea Script


- Have you ever considered why schools are like they are?
- Why they function so strictly but work?
- Have you ever considered, what if all was different?

With our new school, you wont imagine it, you will live it.

We are getting rid of the old, and bringing the new.

Our generation needs to talk, one word at a time.

Because with out idea, you will learn your idea. Teach it to others, and create a whole new type of learning. Finish with the stress schools bring daily, finish with the bells, learn at your pace, and compete with your level.

The standarized tests, and standarizing in schools need to end. You will be able to be standarized much less and if you are, it will be fairly. You actually will be in your category. You will learn with the people that can learn at your pace, no matter your age. You will learn the way you want to learn. We eill provide the help and tools you need. We are trying to relax you at school so so you actually work, and in a better way. You actually will want to learn; beacuse with our school, you learn because you want to learn.

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