martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Essay Rough Draft: PSA

Animal abuse is a world wide issue that presents its self everyday all the time. In Bogota for example, horses are used by recyclers to pull their carts. These horses suffer cases of disnutrition and illness. In China, dogs were eaten until a recent law. Animal abuse is a horrible thing that happens all the time and needs to stop. Now.

      I have always loved animals, especially dogs and what recently made me extremely concerned and rung some bells was a case in Turkey, torturing a dog. 3 teenage boys soaked a dog in gasoline and lit him on fire. This dog is now in a shelter and under treatment because of 3rd degree burns all over his body. He survided thankfully but has sufered miserably. That is why I am interested in this topic, to make people aware of these horrible things going on around the world, and to make them aware never to do it.

      These abuses are now punisheble by law. In 2010, a man was caught by the police in New York for trying to beat up a dog for taking his food. Here in Blogotá, animal abuse can be found almost in any street. "Zorreros", which are the people that go around in those horse-pulled carts, abuse those horses all the time. They are not fed properly, and for being tired and hungry, they are whiped hard until they fall or keep walking. I know about 5 people that are working on a project to abolish these carts and have the authority to confiscate horses from these people if they see a case of abuse.

      So, you see that this hasnt just happened once or twice, it happens many times, DAILY. And this is just in Bogota. Imagine all around the world, Just imagine how much damage this large population can cause if just 7 million people from Bogotá, can already do so much. By the end of January, 2012, these carts are forbbiden in Bogotá. Help bring these kind of rules and control all around the world, so that this torture to the animals is stopped.

If this case keeps presenting itself so much, by 2022, 22 species of common animals around the world will Be extinct. Take action now, help abolish this horror and defend the animals we love. As dogs are called, help save man's best friend. 

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