martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Airsoft (Journal Homework)

Airsoft is a sport in which 2 teams fight against each other with 6mm plastic pellet shooting guns and try to reach a certain objective. When we started playing as a hobby, we realised we could not keep depending on 2 guns that one of us had and spare bbs form his brother. So we went around an looked for a way we could start playing more profesionally. The friend I mentioned was called Jack, his brother was actually playing profesionally. He had his own team and everything. We stared playing with Jack´s brother´s team and had real fun. Then one year later, we started as their minors for leagues we then got our own guns and started off. We didnt get very far but it was a start. Now in Colombia its very hard because its not practiced; but I keep my hopes up so I can do something.

Military Interest (Journal Homework)

Since I was small, I have had an interest for the military and military related things. I used to pretend I was a soldier and play or with little action figures. Until I moved to London. In London, me and some friends there had this same interest. We started hearing about airsoft from other kids at school and that let us have a sport that we REALLY enjoyed. Paintball did the same thing, but we still were more attracted to airsoft. We then addapted it as a hobby and starting taking it from a sport we played in the weekend, to a passion.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Grammar Poster PIc.

PSA Peer Analysis

PSA Questions and Analyzing

psa 1 - pablo and nicolas

1. public health
2. that poor people dont have access to it
3. they pretended to be running polititians and told us to vote for them to change this horrible thing
4. they started telling us what was wrong and how voting for them would change that
5. yes. they could make it more interesting by using more stadistics and being more serious
6. make it more serious, mabye with real polititian interviews

psa 2 - daniela, daniela, maria and miguel

1. drug adictions: good or bad
2. who falls into drugs, why and the bad things about it. that there are good and bad drugs, or adictions instead of drugs: like music
3. they put both sides of the story in the video and interviewed people that fell into the good and bad
4. they first put the bad things and then the good things and placed it in a scary but awesome way to make a larger impact
5. yes it was. it used an organization that was impacting
6. nothing. i think it was perfect.

psa 3 - ours

1. animal abuse
2. how it is horrible and to help prevent it
3. we out sad animals and the cruelty and suffering first, then the happy animals living and having a good time
4. sad then good
5. yes. it was very emotionally impacting
6. our next audience should be authorities or powerful people, so they are also aware of this

psa 4 - candelaria 

1. human traficking
2. that it is closer than you think and is horrible
3. put sad pictures and impacting ways for you to see what happens
4. sad and sad, very iimpacting,
5. yes. it used traumatizing images so you dont forget. EVER.
6. to the traffickers, or the people involved that arent aware of this problem.

psa 5 - willy

1. animal abuse
2. that it is horrible and to help prevent it
3. it first showed very sad pictures adn then moved on to how to prevent it and then to the happy pictures, 
4. sad, how to prevent, happy. It showed what it is, then how to stop it, and then how it would be if it was stopped
5. yes. it made me think and rethink animal abuse and the horror of it all!
6. check spelling, to present it to powerful people that can also help to make it more public. 

psa 6 - laura and lorenza


psa 7

(our class never finished!)

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

PSA Storyboard

Grammar Poster Analysis

Poster Analysis - grammar

My poster
1. Interesting:
Strength: we used different examples and pictures to explain the prepositions.
Weakness: it was missing style, too serious.
Score: 7

Strength: pictures and quotes. We put winstpn churchill quotes reffering to prepositions.
Weakness: our voices were too damp. Missing emotion
Score: 9

Word choice:
Strength: different examples and complexed words
Weakness: not enough writing
Score 9

Strength: we tried to make it funny and things with comics
Weakness: not enough enthusiasm
Total score:

Poster 2

Strength: colorful and many pictures
Weakness: not serious enough

Strength: cool tricks to not mix up the prepositions(in and on)
Weakness: looked to much like a joke

Word choice:
Strength: comics with complex writing to make it interesting and funny
Weakness: too humorous

Strength: a fun style to make it fun
Weakness: too silly

Poster 3

Strength: they used photos and emotion
Weakness: lack of info.

Strength: different pictures and fun examples
Weakness: people may not take it serious enough

Word choice:
Strength: nice diversity of words
Weakness: maybe more words would be good

Strength: colorful and fun
Weakness: More info would be good

Poster 4

Strength: many graphics and interesting examples
Weakness: lack of information regarding the prepositions

Strength: makes you look silly if you get it wrong
Weakness: not enough humor

Word choice:
Strength: nice words to show you how to do it and nice tricks
Weakness: more words would be good

Strength: it is kind of teaching instead of just explaining
Weakness: people may lose interest

Poster 5

Strength: good examples and nice pictures
Weakness: too little text

Strength: many good examples and added a fun song
Weakness: lack of emotion

Word choice:
Strength: very good vocab to explain the prepositions
Weakness: very little text

Strength: Colorful and fun
Weakness: not very serious

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

PSA Video Link

Essay Rough Draft: PSA

Animal abuse is a world wide issue that presents its self everyday all the time. In Bogota for example, horses are used by recyclers to pull their carts. These horses suffer cases of disnutrition and illness. In China, dogs were eaten until a recent law. Animal abuse is a horrible thing that happens all the time and needs to stop. Now.

      I have always loved animals, especially dogs and what recently made me extremely concerned and rung some bells was a case in Turkey, torturing a dog. 3 teenage boys soaked a dog in gasoline and lit him on fire. This dog is now in a shelter and under treatment because of 3rd degree burns all over his body. He survided thankfully but has sufered miserably. That is why I am interested in this topic, to make people aware of these horrible things going on around the world, and to make them aware never to do it.

      These abuses are now punisheble by law. In 2010, a man was caught by the police in New York for trying to beat up a dog for taking his food. Here in Blogotá, animal abuse can be found almost in any street. "Zorreros", which are the people that go around in those horse-pulled carts, abuse those horses all the time. They are not fed properly, and for being tired and hungry, they are whiped hard until they fall or keep walking. I know about 5 people that are working on a project to abolish these carts and have the authority to confiscate horses from these people if they see a case of abuse.

      So, you see that this hasnt just happened once or twice, it happens many times, DAILY. And this is just in Bogota. Imagine all around the world, Just imagine how much damage this large population can cause if just 7 million people from Bogotá, can already do so much. By the end of January, 2012, these carts are forbbiden in Bogotá. Help bring these kind of rules and control all around the world, so that this torture to the animals is stopped.

If this case keeps presenting itself so much, by 2022, 22 species of common animals around the world will Be extinct. Take action now, help abolish this horror and defend the animals we love. As dogs are called, help save man's best friend. 

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Literary Devices Examples (2) Part 2 Novel Project

Symbolism: "The Legend of Basketball" (my myth), the lego figure  represents his father.

Foreshadowing: the series: "Prison Break". The brother hides the fact that they are going to escape, but gives several hints, like always looking at the walls and then taking measure or calculating.

Flashback: "The Hangover Movie". It starts at the end and starts going back.

Atmosphere: In Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling uses gloomy and serious vocabulary to make suspense in the setting.

Plot: "Hunger Games" the story is told in chronological order

Twist: also in the Hunger games, a great twist is that the gamemakers suddenly change the rules, and let the two tributes live

Digresive time: "a wrinkle in time" the story goes back and is not in chronological order

Progressive time: "Catching Fire" the events happen in chronological order

Suspense: Harry Potter because of the gloomy setting and worried anticipation of the future events

Grammar Popplet for Poster

5 Styles for Campaign

The first style is to show pictures of cute animals and at the end say stop animal abuse. 
 Strength it make people feel happy and realize that they shouldn't abuse of animals
Weakness the people will probably forget it soon because it doesn't have anything that will penetrate deeply in their mind and it doesn't show what animal abuse does
 2. First put images of horrible animals due to the abuse and then put pictures of cute animals showing both parts the one with animal abuse and the one without.
 Strength it penetrates into people mind living horrible images of abuse it also shows what would happen if. They wouldn't abuse of the animals
Weakness people could turn off the TV since the images of the animals could be to horrible. 
3. Put pictures of suffering animals, and suffering people and at the end say why do we deserve to have rights and they don't
Strength, it makes people realize that humans are selfish and unfair
It might offend some people by making them think they are animals.
4. Make someone speak of the horrors of animal abuse and that he shows videos of the abuse and also pictures
Strength the person could say facts that are relevant and the people would believe him in this one it would have a strong ethos, pathos,and logos
Weakness the person might not be able to get a good ethos if correct words and voice are used.
 5. Put facts accompanied by a voice reading it pictures and tragic music
Strength a whole lot of information can be communicated to the viewer and we could have very good logos
Weakness The ethos wouldn't really be applied this way   
Stop animal abuse
Humans have become selfish and they don’t realize that in the terrain they are standing isn’t theirs but of the animals that once lived there. This is one of the many animal abuses there are. Every day humans mistreat animals just to have fun and they shouldn’t do that; because the animals are already suffering too much trying to adapt to the city now that we took their home. I care about the animals because they have a life and we can not mistreat them in any way. They wont attack unless been attacked, we attack them without them attacking us.
Once the people believe that indigenous people didn’t have feelings and didn’t deserve any rights; also people thought that black people weren’t good enough to be with the white people. Humans killed many of them just by these insane thoughts. Today human kill many animals because they believe that the planet is only theirs, many years after today someone will give the rights to the animals. Now before we kill many of the animal join me for environmental rights.
Did you know that there have been more than a thousand extinted species thanks to human mistreatement of the enviorment. 1 sixth of what was inhabited by abundant amount of animals is now inhabited by human race.
Elements of persuasion
Ethos: is the way to persuade by gaining trust of the people, and confidence, some ways to do this is to say smart things and relevant. Also appear as if you know about what you are talking about, and smart.
Pathos: pathos is to connect with the audience by the emotional appeal there are some ways to do this and it is by word choice, Metaphors and anecdotes.
Logos: The most persuasive and important of all the elements is logos, and it means reasoning, you should make the audience believe that what you are saying is true by giving enough and logical evidence to support what you are saying

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

Literary Devices - (2) part 1 Novel Project

Symbolism: using things or people thhat represent something they are not

Foreshadowing: using words that unfold the story, hints to the reader

Flashback: going back in the story, going back in time or remembering something

Atmosphere: the mood or emotion that the author gives the setting

Plot: the main outcome and order of the story; the map behind every storyy

Twist: an unexpected shiift in the plot, changing a main thing in the story

Digresive Time: using flashbacks or starting at the end of a story and going back throught the book

Progresive Time: using the events in chronological order

Suspense: making thhe reader curious/scared/confused about the turn out of the story

Ethos, Pathos and Logos

Ethos: the authors authority or credability

Pathos: the emotional part. The choice of words, and mood.

Logos: the real part. Facts or stadistics used

Commercial Analisis

This is a commercial for Red Bull, an energy drink. It´s logo is that it makes you fly. In the commercial, it uses the "Heroe´s" point of view by showing him drinking Red Bull and then performing a 269 feet jump in a rally car. This is an awesome technique, for me at least, because it pretends that it acutally makes you fly when he jumps. The voice used in the commercial also helped because it was an exciting voice, but at the same time it was awesome. Ethos: the author had a convincing voice, and the character showed no fright when he was jumping.  Pathos: an anouncer like voice was used, with real competition fiilm, which gave it a thrill to the mood. Logos: no stadistics were used, but it showed a really shocking event in rally history; a 269 foot jump!

Facts About Animal Abuse

1. In many Circuses, animals are hit, burnt and whiped until they learn their routine.
2. Elephants who perform on circuses are kep in chains 23 hours a day, from the time they were born!
3.  Eighteen red foxes are killed to make one fox-fur coat, 55 minks to make a mink coat.
4. Dog and cock fight are ILLEGAL!!!!!
5. Dog fight are illegal, but bull run isnt.
6. Nearly half of the animals that enter a shelter, never make it out
7. every year, 100 million animals die testing YOUR makeup and cosmetics
8. Every year, 1 BILLION animals are slaughtered by the leather bussiness.
9. Dogs can suffer brain damage or death in just fifteen minutes, fighting heat.
10. Every year, dogs suffer when owners leave them in the car becuase a cars temperature can be the double outside.
11. Animal Cruelty problems, are people problems. when animals are abused, people are at risk. Will you take the risk?
12.Animal traps often kill dogs and cats that are not their targets
13.Young goats are burned alive to make good hand gloves
14.Animals in traps can suffer for by being restrained and getting attacked by predators
15.Cows are slaughtered mechanically, so cows are afraid and resist

Sentences for Prepositions

1. Of.  -A vase of flowers was sitting on the table.
           -She ate a whole bag of candy.

2. About -The book was about the civil war.
              -The column by Andrew was about traffic in Bogota.

3. On.  -The cat was sitting on the computer.
            -The dog was sleeping on the couch.

4. In.    -The plane was about to leave, and Sammy was still in the bathroom.
            -She was hopping to be in D.C. by 10pm.

5. For  -No! That was for Dan, not for you.
            -Im sorry but I cant, Im still doing the paper for english class.

6. To   -They are on their way to the airport.
           -Obama is going to the White House.

7. At   -Were at the new restaurant in times square.
          - Im at grammas house, you?

8. From -They came all the way here from Jersey.
             -The oranges were imported from Florida.

Persuasion Elements

Ethos: is the way to persuade by gaining trust of the people, and confidence, some ways to do this is to say smart things and relevant. Also appear as if you know about what you are talking about, and smart.
Pathos: pathos is to connect with the audience by the emotional appeal there are some ways to do this and it is by word choice, Metaphors and anecdotes.
Logos: The most persuasive and important of all the elements is logos, and it means reasoning, you should make the audience believe that what you are saying is true by giving enough and logical evidence to support what you are saying.

Link to Campaign Popplet

Preposition Game Rules

Grammar game
The game consist of 2 teams each team will have to makes ten questions and theyll give it point depending on the dificulty the maximum is 1000 and the minimum is100 each team will ask one another if you answer right you add the points if you answer wrong you subtract the points (you can have a negative number) at the end the team with the most points will win :) :) :) :) :) 

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

One Sentence Definition of Style

Style is how the artist gives a touch of himself in his music, like by adding his life story into the music, which adds emotion.

Animal Abuse - Topic Essay

       Animal abuse is a world wide issue that needs to be stopped. I have always loved animals, especially dogs and what recently made me extremely concerned and rung some bells was a case in Turkey with a dog. 3 teenage boys soaked a dog in gasoline and lit him on fire. This dog is now in a shelter and under treatment because of 3rd degree burns all over his body. He survided thankfully but has sufered miserably. That is why I am interested in this topic, to make people aware of these horrible things going on around the world, and to make them aware never to do it.

       These abuses are now punisheble by law. In 2010, a man was caught by the police in New York for trying to beat up a dog for taking his food. Here in Blogotá, animal abuse can be found almost in any street. "Zorreros", which are the people that go around in those horse-pulled carts, abuse those horses all the time. They are not fed properly, and for being tired and hungry, they are whiped hard until they fall or keep walking. I know about 5 people that are working on a project to abolish these carts and have the authority to confiscate horses from these people if they see a case of abuse.

       So, you see that this hasnt just happened once or twice, it happens many times, DAILY. And this is just in Bogota. Imagine all around the world, 7 billion people. Just imagine how much damage this large population can cause if just 7 million people from Bogotá, can already do so much. By the end of January, 2012, these carts are forbbiden in Bogotá. Help bring these kind of rules and control all around the world, so that this torture to the animals is stopped.

What Makes Something Persuasive?

To persuade someone, several techniques are required. First, the thing deffended or what is wanted needs to be introduced in an awesome way that attracts the reader instantly. Then it needs to show briefly the problem with impacting images and attractive or rare words, but only showing your side of the story, and not telling everyone why someone else whants to do this. For Example, in the wild horses video, it did not say why the farmers whant to kill the horses. The do because wild horses break their fencing and let the cattle out.

Preposition Pictures

pictures for prepositions

of: a vase of flowers;

about: a story about a prince;

on: cat on computer;

in: were in school;

for: hes running for president;

to: hes going to the white house;

at: hes at the white house dinner;

from: hes from hawaii;

Journal About Animal Abuse

I want to write about Animal Abuse because I find it very disturbing and extremely cruel.What mostly impacted me in this issue, wasa case in Turkey, when 3 teenage boys
soaked a dog in gasoline and lit him on fire. This poor dog survived and is now 
in a shelter with 3rd degree burns all over his body. Even if the dog had bitten
any of them, this is absolutely NOT acceptable. Imagine if the dogs were superior, and they
came up to you with a bottle of gas and lit you on fire? Fun right? NO. This is why
I find this extremely important, making people aware that animals also sufer and that
they need and must be respected. The three boys that burned the dog didn´t even receive a penalty
or consequence.