miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

School Questions

1. What are the needs that this change satisfies?
 - Students more than anyone are the benefitted by this taking away the strictness (or most of it) from school.

2. What would motivate staff and parents to change or adapt into our change?
- Parents: more time to spend with their children, since the time preriods are more relaxed and organized by your needs and comodities.
- Students: have more time to enjoy sports and even schools with the new organization
- Staff: can have more liberty to organize the school in a different way
- Teachers: would also have more free time and have to teach their s

5 ideas

- change bell system
- to change the factorization mode
- Relax the tight schedule for students
- change the categorization ideas
- to prepare tomorrow´s leaders

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