lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Obstacles and Supporters


Were minors, we dont have a voice
School benefitors, owners...


Worldwide students

Five Sources for Issue

Issue: School is a factory

- It says how the intercoms and bells control movements and changes during the day, releases and permits students certain things

- It says that everything so standarized, spacially testing arent necessarily very accurate to show a students learning and capacity as they say

- It says that the education in most schools in not very in dept or independent, just general and the same...

- It says that the system in schools k-12 is bothersome since age doesnt determine your capacity

- It says about a book that is against standarized testing and how if you get a high score your better than the rest

MSND Evaluating

Since it is a discussion, a popplet has been created to represent it. (MSND Creating)


The conclusion of the MSND discussion was about the theme. We found 4 possible themes we liked and we found a winner amongst them since the play was a romance and it did end in a happy ending. The final theme we chose was that love will always find its way. (see popplet for visual)

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

How Schools Kill Creativity

- Kids work better in groups, it builds knowledge
- Institutions are dividing kids into groups and categorizing them which is not accurate
- you can be the same intelectually at any age (a 6 year old the same as a 10 year old)

Two Main Messages:

- What we are told isnt always the truth
- Schools are set up as an industrial system(not good)

What are parts of a Portfolio?

For Whom?

7th graders
HS teachers


out of school activities

How Have I changed This Year as a Learner?

When I first walked into my eight grade english class i was scared. I was told she was a different type of teacher but I didn´t know what to expect. Ms.Shawn turned out to be one of the best teachers I have ever had along with my 3rd Grade teacher in London, Mr.Otoole. In this class mostly, I have learnt to learn in different ways. I now know what helps me learn and what doesnt, stradegies to learn in deifferent ways and what kind of person to work with. All this relates to bloom´s taxonomy and the logo of the CNG learning center, "If I cant learn the way you teach, can you teach the way I learn?". This is actually the ONLY class in which I have learned how to learn, and it has and will help me a lot.

In other classes throught the year, different types of knowledge learning have presented themselves. For example in math class, I have had to adapt to learn in different ways, for example teaching myself with the textbook, when my teacher isnt very clear or when I truly do not understand the concept. This ocassion has presented itself several times through the year, not necessarily in mathematics but in other classes as well. I have also been able to experience the not so nice feeling of when the teacher truly doesnt know how to teach and never really puts effort into it. This year, It happened to me in Spanish class. Sonia is a nice person but she doesnt seem to like her job or her students, which makes everything a lot harder for everyone. I really havent learn anything in the year that has passed except for a basic law in the spanish language. It was truly a horrible experience and a waste of time.

martes, 24 de abril de 2012

Shakespeare Influence Essay

One of the greatest branches of art is acting in theater and plays, one of the greatest writers that has passed through the world is william shakespear, a writer with british origins. He wrote tragedies, comeddies and history plays. Many of his plays still remain and are acted every day like a famous one romeo and Juliet, and also have affected the literature today. Shakespeare is famous for his great creativity and over 50 plays.

Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 54 sonnets from which the queen Elizabeth helped him with, because during the time the queen liked a lot Shakespeares writing. She gave him ideas, characters and other things to make his writing for her. He wrote tragedies, comedies and history plays. The Comedies were known because of the happy endings, his tragedies were about the were about everything except the Royal Family and comedies and last the history was about the Royal Family during the Elizabethan Era. Shakespeares writing affected the literature today in many ways.
In his sonnets and poems he used 17,677 words. When William Shakespeare couldnt find a word to describe what he was thinking about, he invented the word. He invented over 1,700! In his invented words, they include assassination, bloody, critic, lonely etc. He also invented many daily used phrases such as, catch a cold, break the ice, long-haired, naked truth etc. Thanks to the greatest writer of all times, if I may say so, we use much more words and phrases, and imagine, how would we describe some events or places without his inventions? Thanks William.

He is still considered one of the greatest writers of all time. He was able to write so many plays and all of them had a unique touch that you would enjoy again and again even if it was a very similar story. His writing style was fascinating and everybody could enjoy their taste by choosing from his three main categories in which he wrote. Shakespeare did a great division for theater today. He took a step ahead of us and showed us how its supposed to be done, for whom and when, we owe him.

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Chezpir ;)

One of the greatest branches of art is acting in theater and plays, one of the greatest writers that has passed through the world is william shakespear, a writer with british origins. He wrote tragedies, comeddies and history plays. Many of his plays still remain and are acted every day like a famous one romeo and juliet. Shakespeare is famous for his great creativity and over 50 plays.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Mid Summer Nights Dream Discussion Conclusion

After discussing the events and facts in the movie, we found several options for the theme of the play.

1- Fight for your love
2- Never give up*
3- Love will always finds it´s way

*= winner

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Conclussion About Shakespeares Writing(Not Time Influence)

Shakespeare wrote in three main categories.  Comedies, Tradegies and Histories. Comedies werent necesarrily funny, just that they ended in happy endings which made the public happy and make them enjoy his plays. Tradegies were anything that didnt end happily without envolving the royal family. Finally, Histories are anything that involves or talks about the British Royal Family. He wrote both sonnets and plays during his writing period. Although, Shakespeare was "helped" by Queen Elizabeth, which gave him different characters or themes to write about. He wrote in a very poetic way, in the English of the time. He is now known as one of the greatest writers and poets of history.

Conclusion About Shakespeare´s Time ad Writing Discussion(Influece from his time)

After our group discussed how the time that Shakespeare affected or influenced the way he wrote, we have reached a conclussion. In his time, Monarchs are great influence on everything that happens and what they say goes. We think that since Queen Elizabeth was a character in many of his plays or many of his plays were about The Royal Family, this was what actually influenced his writing. Shakespeare wrote in three main categories: Comedies, Tradegies and Histories. Comedies werent necesarrily funny, just that they ended in happy endings which made the public happy and make them enjoy his plays. Tradegies were anything that didnt end happily without envolving the royal family. Finally, Histories are anything that involves or talks about the royal family. Since this is what the public liked, this is what and how he wrote.

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Shakespeare Project Rubric

Shakespeare rubric

Knowing.      Watch shakespeare introductory

Understanding.    Notes on video
Applying.         Take info from video and discuss about his time and how that affected his writing

Analyzing.        Discuss Shakespeare writing style

Evaluating.        Easy about how did Shakespeare contribute to the modern world

Creating.          Create a popplet about his contributions and other things 

Rubrics Time Work Outline

1-  analyzing Aand evaluaring from MSND
2- knowing, understanding and applying of shakespeare
3- analyzing and evaluaring Shakespeare
4 & 5- creativo for both

*MSND: Mid Summer Nights Dream

Mid Summer Nights Dream Rubric

Mid Summer Night's Dream

Knowing.   Introduction video, sparknotes

Understanding        Watch movie in class

Applying.       Movie Worksheet

Analyzing        Movie theme discussion and finding the play's theme

Evaluating.         Criminal minds style theme discussion

Creating.             Create poppet for discusión

Shakespeare Video Notes

NOtes On Shakespeare Video

- Greatest writer ever

- Very Perverse Jokes

- Born 1564 to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden

- Lived in Stratford upon Avon where he went to school until the age 13

- Married Anne Hathaway in 1582

- Had 3 children: Sussana, Hamlet and Judith

- Moved to London in 1591 at the age of 27

- He started his writing carrer with 37 plays and 154 sonnets

- He worked during the Ezabithien Era; named after queen Elizabeth(time she ruled)

- the queen would shut down the play houses and theatres because of diseases

- He was believed to be one of the translators of the psalms for King James

- Public enjoyed themselves by watching people getting executed and hanging their heads on poles around town

- No good sanitation, so the bathroom was the river and the woods

- The queen really liked shakespeare and asked him to write plays about specific topics or suggested characters

- Back then, theatres were in poor neighborhoods so they were sorrounded by pubs and the red light district

- Shakespeare had many mistresses

- Shakespeare retired as a rich and famous man

- all of the actors during his time were men, so even Juliet was a man

- His plays were divided into three categories: comedies, tragedies and histories

- Histories: stories about the royal family in England

- Comedies: known for having happy endings

- Tragedies: Like Julius Caesar, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet; stories with non happy endings that are not about the english monarchy